Community | Wellbeing | (Bio)diversity
Incubating good relations for people, animals & nature to seed, grow & flourish.
Belfast Zoo and the wider hills area have historically been a place of congregation for communities
across Belfast and Northern Ireland. Our Floral Hall and Bellevue pleasure gardens have seen people
across the province come together through leisure, dance, and play over the years. This master plan
aims to reclaim these socio-cultural histories and bring them into the 21st century through new diverse programming.
We want Belfast Zoo to be a platform for the city that promotes community engagement and wellbeing through
biodiversity and ecological intervention. ‘Fruiting’ will render Belfast Zoo and the wider hills area as
an ever-evolving ecosystem for all human and ‘more than human’ beings to seed, grow, and thrive.
Alongside a new ‘Community Garden of Intersections’ where people can come together through engaging with nature,
this scheme will create new physical connections with the wider hills area to bring people from all walks of
life to reap the benefits of better physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.